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Maria Mota

Maria Mota was born in Jalisco Mexico and was raised in Los Angeles for the past 10 years

Maria Mota is the managing attorney at the Law Offices of Maria G Mota, where she practices

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)/Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal

Administrate law and Los Angeles County Adoption law. She has been a California licensed

attorney for nearly 20 years and admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States for nearly 5  years.

Mrs. Mota has handled over 2500 SSDI/SSI cases in the 50 United States and over 100 adoptions cases in the County of Los Angeles.

Prior to opening the Law Offices of Maria G Mota, Mrs. Mota was a practicing SSDI/SSI attorney for a nationwide company and paralegal with a total of over 30 years of experience in social

security government benefits.

Attorney Mota has been a member of the Nation Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) since 2007.

From a young age, Maria and her husband of over 28 years have been involved in sports such as softball, football, volleyball and drill. Her passion for sports has driven her daughter and son to pursue and participate in volleyball, football, track, and lacrosse during their school years and beyond their college days.

During the pandemic, Maria took up running and ran the LA Marathon. She has since run more than a dozen half marathons in the US and Mexico and is eager to help other young womenpursue their interest in sports.

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